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The Village Apprenticeship Program (VAP) is decolonizing workforce development and preparing workers, employers, and communities for a post-COVID world. VAP is building a community care workforce.

To apply to become a VAP apprentice, click here.

To apply to become a VAP business partner, click here.


We recognize that COVID-19 has changed the nature of work and the workforce forever. From the rise of virtual reality and artificial intelligence to the redefining of 'essential services,' it is necessary for workers to quickly learn new knowledge and skills and adapt rapidly to constantly changing circumstances.

VAP is a revolutionary training and apprenticeship program that provides workers and employers with the knowledge and skills and resources needed to build a cooperative, equitable, and vibrant village.


VAP apprentices participate in a 6-week training program that includes an exploration of self, a study of The People's History, a critical look at dismantling oppressive systems, and understanding the labor movement.

VAP business partners participate in a 4-week seminar series that includes a critical examination of economic systems, a reflection on successful business leadership and development, and effective community networking.

Both apprentices and businesses receive funding to participate. Apprentices get opportunities to build skills, gain work experience and network. Businesses get help with marketing, accessing resources, and an apprentice to join their team.

The goal of VAP's apprentice training program and business partner seminar series is to bring everyone together and to help apprentices prepare for their work placement and to help business partners prepare to mentor a dynamic and motivated young person.

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With people, communities and businesses working cooperatively, we can get through this pandemic, stop disaster capitalism and thrive together. We can ensure that workers receive living wages and opportunities for leadership and growth and that employers are able to generate wealth for themselves and for the community.

To apply to become a VAP apprentice, click here.

To apply to become a VAP business partner, click here.